Biggest Poker Mistakes

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A common mistake many beginners and intermediate players make is not caring enough about making the right turn play. The reason for this can be found in the learning process. Many videos and articles talk about the optimal preflop and postflop play, because these can give you stable fundamentals. If someone is self-confident on these streets, then usually learning the correct river play is the next chapter. The fourth street, the turn, can be considered the stepchild that we care a lot less about.

  1. Biggest Poker Mistakes Ever
  2. Biggest Poker Mistakes Videos
  3. Biggest Poker Mistakes

In poker, a proper mindset is vital, and while it will not help you avoid all of the mistakes, it will surely boost your overall win rate and make you a better player in the long run. Here, then, are the top five poker mindset mistakes to avoid. Biggest mistake is being impatient. You just can't force this game to go in the direction you want it to. Most big pots are taken down by big hands - pure and simple.

Biggest Poker Mistakes Ever

Beginner and amateur players tend to make their biggest mistakes on the flop and river, so it’s understandable that everyone wants to perfect their play for these situations. However, the turn gets ignored once again.

Due to these factors many players just try to “survive” the turn. They have little or unreliable knowledge and experience and they try get a hold of weaker opponents on the other streets. Let’s see a few typical mistakes that are made on the turn.

Autocheck on the Turn

The most common mistake on the turn is the auto-check. I see this mistake mostly with players who play in a defensive style. The attached train of thought can be something like this, “I have a great hand. The flop hit my hand so I bet. Ooops, he’s called. I’m pretty sure he has something too, so it’s time to play wisely. He might be stronger than me, so I would rather check on the turn.”

Obviously in many situations checking will be the best move after the turn, but not always. Let’s see an everyday mistake:

You raise preflop from late position with K-Q offsuit. The big blind is the only player who calls. The flop is Q-9-2 with two spades. Your opponent checks, and because the flop hit your hand we continue with a 3/4 pot sized bet. The opponent calls and the turn is a 3 of clubs. Your opponent checks again, so it’s your turn. Many players handle the turn too passively and they check. Is this correct?

Of course not. Our opponent’s preflop call range contains many combinations which will be draws after the flop. These are the followings: many flush draws, any J-T, K-J, K-T, and sometimes J-8 and T-8. The opponent called on the flop, so there is a good chance he’ll have any of the above listed hands.

It’s not necessary to explain that we lose value if we check the turn, because he would probably call a large bet. In this case it’s true that even a smaller sized bet will be better than checking.

If you are learning how to play solitaire or another simple card game, you might get away without preparation, but this won’t cut in in poker.

You might be thinking, what does mindset have to do with it?

With the complex nature of the game, you cannot afford to make costly mistakes just because you are not in the right mood or steaming after losing a big pot. In poker, a proper mindset is vital, and while it will not help you avoid all of the mistakes, it will surely boost your overall win rate and make you a better player in the long run. Here, then, are the top five poker mindset mistakes to avoid.

Don’t play when you are tired

Playing poker when you are tired will do you more harm than good, and it will surely stand in the way of you being able to make optimal decisions.

First of all, never start your session when you are feeling bad. If you feel tired or have had a long day, just skip your session and rest. On the other hand, if you notice that your concentration is fading, it is also wise to take a break if you can or end your session earlier.

It does not matter if you are playing online poker with friends or battling it out on the felt, you want to make the most of your time and money, so play only when you feel good and avoid long sessions.


Don’t chase your losses

Biggest poker mistakes 2020

Playing poker can get overwhelming, especially if you are on a downswing. However, as difficult as it sounds, chasing your losses can only make it worse.

Dwelling and brooding over the bad decisions you made while playing will not change anything. Instead, start thinking long-term. Don’t measure your skills as a player based on one session’s results; look at the big picture.

If you have the right mindset, you should look at every loss as a chance to learn something new. If you learn every time you lose, over the long run you’ll become a better player. But this can only happen if you concentrate and focus on making the right decisions rather than the outcomes.

Players often let results influence their choices, and because poker has elements of luck, they don’t always get the expected outcomes. It is not unusual to find players trying to make up for their previous losses in one game. More often than not it doesn’t work.

Losing is just a part of this game, and there is no way to avoid it, so accept poker as a lifelong journey, and instead play when you are ready, not when you are steaming.

Don’t neglect the math

While poker has an element of luck, the game is mostly about skills, and one of the most important parts of the game is the understanding of basic odds and math.

It does not matter how long you have been playing or whether you are a good or bad player, neglecting the math in poker is never a good idea.

However, many people get carried away with the thrill of the game. The exciting thing about poker is that its variance is prone to change, and making decisions based on your feelings is not the best way to go about it.

Don’t play for stakes beyond your bankroll

It is just impossible to make this kind of list without touching on bankroll management since this is one of the primary reasons why many players go on tilt and even dust off all of their money.

What separates gamblers from professional poker players are not only skills or techniques, but how well they manage their finances.

Learning how to manage your bankroll is a basic, critical skill that you need if you enjoy playing. It helps you become a better player in the long run while also helping you learn financial self-control and discipline. Play within your limits, follow the game’s guidelines and don’t be afraid to move down if needed.


Don’t try to do it all alone

Poker is a social game, meaning people always surround you. However, despite this game’s social nature, many players try to maintain solitude. This is because they don’t want to risk sharing strategies with their opponents or looking stupid in front of friends. However, just like in business, having friends in the same field who know what poker is about will help you become a better player in the end.

This is because once you have your circle of poker friends, you can help each other become better, share tips and strategies among yourselves, and provide support when needed. Many pros have said that their poker network is one of the primary reasons for their success. I know that I surely belong in this camp.

Biggest Poker Mistakes Videos

Remember, you do not have to do it all on your own, so let others help you while you also help them in the little ways you can.

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