Poker Levels

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  1. Poker Levels
  2. Zynga Poker Levels
  3. Poker Skill Test
  1. The segment of time during a poker tournament when the blinds and antes remain the same.
  2. A way for members of poker message boards to identify sarcastic or facetious remarks and gags; often overused.


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Poker Levels

Levels (more specifically 'level jumps') are the building blocks of tournament structures.


As a meme on internet message boards, the term 'level' is usually thrown into the mix of conversation as a way of either:

Zynga Poker Levels


a) Ascertaining whether a certain comment was meant to be taken as a joke, a lark, or a facetious remark. E.g., 'Are you leveling us?'

b) Asserting that unless such a comment was made under the auspices of being a 'level,' it is absurd and probably false. E.g., 'This better be a level.'

Poker Levels


Poker Skill Test

c) Evading criticism after making this type of comment in earnest when it was subsequently proven to be absurd or false. E.g., 'Come on people, I was obviously leveling you.'