Stud 中文

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音標: stʌd 讀音: 用'stud'造句 'stud'怎麼讀 'stud'的同義詞. 1.大頭釘;飾釘;【機械工程】雙頭螺栓,柱 (頭)螺栓 (=stud bolt) 軸;端軸頸;銷子,中介軸; (裝硬領的)金屬扣, (衣袖等的)飾鈕; (鐘表等的)鍵鈕;【建筑】壁骨;墻筋;中間柱。. 2.〔美國〕四明一暗撲克牌戲〔又叫 stud poker〕。. A stud finder (also stud detector or stud sensor) is a handheld device used with wood buildings to locate framing studs located behind the final walling surface, usually drywall.While there are many different stud finders available, most fall into two main categories: magnetic stud detectors and electric stud finders. Pending翻譯:即將發生的;待定的,待決的, 等到之後;直到時為止。了解更多。. Rottweiler Stud Dogs. 47,056 likes 179 talking about this. Showcasing the best of the best.

音標:[ stʌd ] 讀音:

Stud 中文

  • n.
    1.大頭釘;飾釘;【機械工程】雙頭螺栓,柱(頭)螺栓 (=stud bolt) 軸;端軸頸;銷子,中介軸;(裝硬領的)金屬扣,(衣袖等的)飾鈕;(鐘表等的)鍵鈕;【建筑】壁骨;墻筋;中間柱。
    2.〔美國〕四明一暗撲克牌戲〔又叫 stud poker〕。
    ( studded , studding ) 加飾釘;用飾鈕裝飾;散飾,散布,點綴;用壁骨支撐。 studded with 散布著…的,點綴著…的,星羅棋布的。
    (專為繁殖、打獵、賽馬等飼養的)馬,馬群;〔美國〕種馬;種(公)畜;養馬場。 a stud farm 種馬農場,配種站。

Shear Stud 中文

  • 'at stud' 中文翻譯: 供留種用
  • 'abrasive stud' 中文翻譯: 砂石針,磨削針,磨尖
  • 'adjusting stud' 中文翻譯: 調整用雙頭螺栓
  • 'aligning stud' 中文翻譯: 定心棒
  • 'anchor stud' 中文翻譯: 固定螺椿
  • 'angled stud' 中文翻譯: 梯級高鏈節
  • 'armature stud' 中文翻譯: 電樞螺釘
  • 'ball stud' 中文翻譯: 半圓頭螺栓; 球螺椿; 球頭螺栓; 球頭銷
  • 'barrel stud' 中文翻譯: 條盒樁
  • 'bearing stud' 中文翻譯: 支承螺柱
  • 'binder stud' 中文翻譯: 結合件雙頭螺栓; 結合柱螺栓
  • 'boiler stud' 中文翻譯: 鍋爐雙頭螺栓
  • 'bolt stud' 中文翻譯: 機心栓; 雙頭螺栓
  • 'brass stud' 中文翻譯: 銅雙頭螺柱
  • 'brush stud' 中文翻譯: 電刷柄
  • 'bumper stud' 中文翻譯: 緩沖螺柱; 緩沖柱螺栓
  • 'cable stud' 中文翻譯: 鏈環橫檔
  • 'casing stud' 中文翻譯: 殼體栽絲螺絲; 殼體柱頭螺絲
  • 'channel stud' 中文翻譯: 槽鋼立筋
  • 'chemical stud' 中文翻譯: 化學壁虎
  • 'click stud' 中文翻譯: 棘爪樁
  • 'closure stud' 中文翻譯: 主螺栓
  • 'clutch stud' 中文翻譯: 離合器樁
  • 'yoke stud' 中文翻譯: 離合桿樁
  • 'stud arc welding' 中文翻譯: 電弧焊接
  • 'stuctural isomerism' 中文翻譯: 結構異構

Stud 中文 解釋

  • The garment is studded with pearls .
  • The intermediate ground, however, was beautifully studded with timber .
  • In the sky the stars are studded in the warm intimate velvet of the night .
  • Years ago for the devil of it flora manhood and snow tunks had pushed against another blacker door, padded and studded .
  • Angle joints with screw studs , with rivet studs
  • Stud , screw and pipe extractors : safety requirements
  • You got randall to let you borrow his tongue stud
  • Bolted connections with reduced shank ; stud - bolts
  • You got randall to let you borrow his tongue stud
  • Elastomer mounts ; stud mounts ; types a to f
    彈性體固定件. a型至f柱螺栓選固定件
  • 更多例句: 1 2345
  • poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt
    同義詞:stud poker,
  • adult male horse kept for breeding
  • an upright in house framing
  • ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)
  • a man who is virile and sexually active
    同義詞:he-man, macho-man,
  • provide with or construct with studs; 'stud the wall'
  • scatter or intersperse like dots or studs; 'Hills constellated with lights'
    同義詞:dot, constellate,
  • studとは意味:1stud n. 飾りボタン; びょう; ピアス式のイヤリング.【動詞+】◆put in a stud 留め具をとめる◆remove a stud 飾りびょうを取り去る.【形容詞 名詞+】◆a collar stud (えりの)カラーボタン◆a diamond stud ダイヤをあしらった飾りボタン◆a fixing stud 固定用のびょう◆football studs フットボールブーツのスパ...
Stud 中文

Clinch Stud中文

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Stud 中文意思

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